Renders of my low poly 3d model of the Australian Owen Sub Machine Gun and its variants.
The model includes multiple trigger housings, barrel and front sight assemblies, buttstock variants and attachments.
Originally a crude firearm originally crafted in a home garage in Wollongong NSW. Initially, 24 year old Evelyn Owen proposed his weapon design to the Australian Army in 1939, however it was rejected due to the small bullet caliber and lack of safety on the prototype weapon. Later, Owen joined the Army during WWII, after which his neighbour Vincent Wardell, who happened to be a manager of a large steel factory, discovered the weapon, and arranged for Owen to be transferred to the Army Inventions Board to continue development of the weapon.
Ultimately, 45000 Owen Guns were manufactured, and they were operated from the time they were adopted in 1942 through to the 1960s. Owen Guns were used during combat in World War II in New Guinea, during the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.
4K textures, with Base Colour, Normal, Roughness and Metallic Maps.